Gurugram: Salon, grocery shop in common area, Raheja Atlantis RWA served notice

GURUGRAM: The department of town and country planning (DTCP) has issued a show-cause notice to the residents’ welfare association (RWA) of Raheja Atlantis in Sector 31 for unauthorised construction of shops in common areas.
In the notice, district town planner (enforcement wing) Manish Yadav said the unauthorised construction in the society — grocery shop, salon, coffee shop and pharmacy — is in violation of Section 3B Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975.
The section also states that no person shall construct or reconstruct buildings in a colony, save in accordance with the approved plans and subject to such restrictions and conditions as mentioned in the licence or as may be specified by the government or the director.
Yadav in the notice said, “You (RWA) have contravened the provisions of section 3B of the Act by constructing illegal shops in contravention of the provisions which attract legal action under the provisions of section 10.” He directed RWA president PP Singhal to immediately remove the structures and bring the approved building plan before the office on May 15 and prove why legal action should not be initiated against him.
Singhal was also directed to supply authenticated copies of approved layout plan, building plan of the said building in support of his contention. The residents, on the other hand, alleged that these illegal buildings are a setback as they have reduced the parking area and blocked wind and light movement.
“Not just this, the electricity connection provided to these shops is also counted on residential usage, whereas the electricity meter should have been for commercial usage”, the residents alleged.
Singhal told TOI that the temporary structures have been constructed for the daily needs of senior citizens, if the department has objections we will follow the guidelines.