Delhi: More RWAs join protest against property tax hike

NEW DELHI: With the cutoff date closing in, an increasing number of residents’ welfare associations are objecting to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi’s plan to increase property tax rates in the city.
They have written to the civic body asking it to not to raise the property tax rates, arguing that the tax proposed were not commensurate with the services provided by the corporation.
“Property tax contributes around 25% to MCD’s revenue, but the return of services doesn’t match the quality. In fact, it has been observed that better services are diverted to non-paying areas” claimed URJA, an apex body of RWAs.
Till date, MCD has received 68 objections against the interim report of the Municipal Valuation Committee (MVC). The panel has recommended a 37% increase in unit area value in all categories of residential areas. The cut-off date to submit the objections is September 22.
“The base unit area value of Rs 400 should not change upward keeping in mind the severe inflation and Covid-19 that has also affected all the residents. Reduction of the tax rebate from 15% to 10% is also not fair to the taxpayers who are paying in time,” said Gautam Sen Chaudhuri, Secretary, East Bengal Displaced Persons’ (EBDP) Association.
Sanjay Gupta, general secretary, Model Town Residents’ Society, added, “We demand that MCD rollback the proposed increase in base unit area value. The early payment rebate should also be restored to 15%. It is a pity that MCD is unable to understand that residents and businesses have suffered badly due to the pandemic and inflation, incomes have eroded and people’s financial health is weak.”
MCD said there would be no further extension of the cut-off date. MVC is conducting in-person hearings with objectors. “Of the 68 objections, 21 have been heard in-person till now,” said an MCD officer. After hearing everyone, MVC will submit a report to MCD.”