In Chennai, residents protest ‘non-payment of EB dues’ by builder

CHENNAI: Residents of Metro Zone, a gated community with more than 1,000 houses near Anna Nagar, held a protest on Friday stating the builder has not paid them EB bill dues amounting to 44 lakh. More than 70 residents participated in the protest.
P Parthban, president of metro zone residents’ association, said 19 towers in the gated community have been handed over to the residents, and there are individual power supply connections only for 15 towers.
“Power supply for remaining four towers is yet to be given and they have been drawing power from the common supply line used for utilities. So, the Residents Welfare Association (RWA) that handles the maintenance, pays the EB bill for the four towers and the builder gets the money from the 259 residents of the four towers and pays to the RWA,” said Parthiban.
However, the residents said the builder has not paid them for the last two bill-cycles amounting to 44 lakh, and the RWAs will have to pay the third bill cycle, March-April, this month as well. “Last two cycles, we have paid from our maintenance funds as if we don’t pay, power will be snapped. The builder has to return the money immediately,” the residents said.
Muthu, who is the vice-president of the Metro Zone RWA, said they have Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) directions to provide independent power to the four towers. “We want the builder to comply with the RERA order and also return the money of the RWA,” he said.
Metro zone officials told TOI that they only have dues of 22 lakh against the claim of 44 lakh made by the residents. “We have differences in the accounts. It will be sorted out and the remaining dues will be paid by April 24,” they said.