Indore: Buyers demand possession of plots during public hearing

INDORE: Hundreds of members of Navbharat Griha Nirman Sanstha approached senior cooperative officials during public hearing on Tuesday to register complaint against the organisation for failing to hand over possession of their plots to them.
“There are around 2,000 members of Navbharat Griha Nirman Sanstha, who had bought plots from 1988-98 but later, some land mafia sought membership of the society illegally and took illegal possession of properties we had paid for,” one of the members of the society Kushalraj Jain said.
“We are preparing a seniority list of members and the election of the society would be held soon. There are some other issues we are working on,” cooperative department deputy registrar Madan Gajbhiye said.
Around 80% complaints received in the weekly public hearing were related to property frauds. Senior administrative officials assured the complainants to provide appropriate resolutions to their issues within the set time limit.