Kanpur: KDA residency has no structural safety issues, say experts

KANPUR: Kanpur Development Authority (KDA) on Sunday claimed that as per the opinion of experts of IIT and HBTI, building of KDA residency is safe from structural point of view.
Rohit Khanna chief engineer KDA in a release stated that residents of the residency apartment had complained about structural safety. A two member committee consisting of Additional secretary and chief engineer KDA visited the KDA residency site in O block Kidwai nagar for spot inspection and assessment.
KDA engineers had already got examined the structural safety issue by the experts of HBTI & IIT of the building.The experts not only examined the site but also conducted a rebound hammer test and had stated that building is safe on point of structural safety. Detailed report they would submit later.
Khanna stated that construction of KDA residency started in the year 2016 and major structure work was completed by mid 2017. Allotment of flats was began in 2016. The allottees had also complained about seepage in basement and had urged to install one another borewell and change the current main gate from sliding one. Boring of bore well had been completed and installation process is going on. Alteration of the main gate too had been started.
The contractor had been given strict orders to conduct quality work and complete them in time. Earlier, KDA vice chairman Arvind Singh had expressed his displeasure for not resolving the problem .He had constituted a committee and asked to inspect the site and resolve the problems of allottees sensitively and properly.