Madhya Pradesh government to take houses on rent for employees

BHOPAL: The government would take houses on rent for government employees. Its rent would be adjusted through the house rent allowances of the eligible government employees and it will also look for ways to get ownership of houses to employees by the long-term government contribution plan.
Models like hire purchase model and annuity model would be considered by the government. A committee has been constituted to finalize details in a month. As a pilot, it would be first started in major cities of the state.
The general administration department stated that due to increasing demand for government houses, a decision has been taken to adopt a new model.
The prime objective is to ensure participation of government and allottees and to introduce a higher purchase model, annuity model, taking private housing complexes on rent and considering other proposals.
The committee is headed by the public health and family welfare department additional chief secretary Mohammed Suleman. The members of the committee would be finance department additional chief secretary Manoj Govil, energy department principal secretary Sanjay Dubey.
The member secretary of the committee would be the public works department principal secretary Neeraj Mandloi while the other members would be commissioner urban administration and development department Nikunj Shrivastava and collector Bhopal Avinash Lavania.
The task of the committee would be to look for alternative ways for government houses and its financial and implementation aspects.
It would make a proposal for ownership of houses for government servants eligible for houses through long-term government contribution and an alternative financial plan for the purpose.
The committee would also look into taking private houses, apartments on lease for long term and using the housing rent allowances for paying the rent. It would outline the framework for the proposal in question as a pilot in the major cities and make necessary recommendations.
The constituted committee must submit its report at the earliest and maximum within one month to the general administration department, the order stated.
Hire purchase allows possessing and controlling of assets during agreed term paying rent or installment while annuity is a Public-Private Partnership model for infrastructure projects.