Tamil Nadu releases draft of slum dwellers resettlement and rehabilitation policy

CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday released the draft of its first resettlement and rehabilitation policy for slum dwellers.
The draft policy by the Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board (TNUHDB), formerly known as Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, states that it is applicable to encroachment, eviction and displacement undertaken by the departments, statutory authorities and local bodies under various acts and rules.
Noting that the policy would prevail over other instructions for the people evicted from objectionable poramboke land, it says the policy is applicable only to the encroacher/non-titleholders of the land, where displacement is proposed for involuntary resettlement.
While the distance from nearest towns or source of employment must be considered to identify land for resettlement, the daily livelihood activities of the intended beneficiaries should be borne in mind. Moreover, slum dwellers must be accommodated only in areas from where it won’t take more than half an hour to reach the nearest urban areas by bus or train.
“The travelling time by bus or train should not be more than half an hour to reach the nearest urban areas from where people are expected to be relocated,” the draft said.
The TNUHDB has invited suggestions from stakeholders on the draft policy. They should be submitted within 15 days (before Oct 27, 2021).
Suggestions can be submitted using the online input form link: https://forms.gle/JqMhE9B13XcW1rjF6