Visakhapatnam civic body constructing 24,192 Tidco housing units

May 4, 2022

Visakhapatnam civic body constructing 24,192 Tidco housing unitsVISAKHAPATNAM: The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation is gearing up to complete the registration of Tidco houses in the name of beneficiaries.

APTIDCO chairman J Prasanna Kumar conducted a review meeting with the GVMC officials at the GVMC office on Tuesday.

GVMC commissioner G Lakshmisha participated in the meeting in virtual mode. The commissioner said that as many as 24,192 Tidco housing units are being constructed in Vizag city.

“Home loans have already been sanctioned to 5,764 beneficiaries. The zonal commissioners and other officials should take it as a priority to arrange loans for the remaining beneficiaries.

“The plot allocation for the 1.24 lakh beneficiaries chosen under Navaratnalu – Pedalandariki Illu should also be completed along with the Tidco housing registration and loan arrangement,” said Lakshmisha.

APTIDCO chairman Prasanna Kumar asked the GVMC officials to expedite the Tidco house registrations. “As the ‘Jagananna Pacha Thoranam’ will begin in June, one lakh saplings can be planted in each completed layout of Tidco houses,” he said.

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